The Chalet School is part of the Brunel Academies Trust (Brunel). Policies within Brunel are created and owned using a 3 Tier system. In addition to their policies, Brunel also describes intent and procedure with specific Brunel statements. The overall accountability for policy and procedure clearly resides with the Brunel board but the 3 Tier system allows for delegation to the responsible organisation/individuals.
The aim of the 3 Tier system is to ensure quality and consistency but acknowledges and respects Education Provisions (EPs) are bespoke and must have their individuality. This approach runs right at the heart of the ‘standards not standardisation’ agenda within the Brunel. Taking this systematic approach will simplify work for EPs with economies of scale, shared ideas and ‘here’s one we prepared earlier’ benefits.
Tier 1 Policies: Brunel Wide Policies Tier 1 policies are centrally held policies relating to Governance, HR, Finance, IT and Estates & Facilities Management and are directly owned directly by Brunel. Tier 1 policies are created by the Brunel Central Services Team but adopted and reviewed by the Brunel Board.
Brunel Policies
Charging and Remissions Policy
Please follow the link to view the Brunel Policy Page to view the rest of the Brunel Policies.
Chalet School Policies
- Accessibility Plan
- Anti Bullying Policy
- Anti Bullying Statement
- Attendance Policy
- Behaviour Policy
- Curriculum Policy
- Keeping children safe in education 2024 part one
- Lockdown Policy
- Medical Needs Policy
- Online Safety Policy
- Personal Social Health and Economic Education Policy
- Pupil Intimate Care and Toileting Policy
- Pupil Premium Policy
- Relationships and Sex Education Policy
- Safeguarding Policy
- SEN Information Report
- SEND Policy
- SMSC British Values at The Chalet School
- Spiritual Moral Social and Cultural Policy and British Values Policy